GGPoker Determined to Oust RTA Use from Its Network

GGPoker is determined to deal with the issue of Real-Time Assistance (RTA) as it banned 40 player accounts and confiscated in excess of $1 million from players using the helping hand of the analytical software. Besides the 40 players banned, the poker operator issued a warning to another 40, reaffirming the use of such software is banned at their online poker tables.

“At GGPoker Network (‘GGPN’), we firmly believe Poker to be a battle of wits that is meant to be experienced without the use of any Real-Time Assistance (‘RTA’) whatsoever. To this end, we were among the first to prohibit heads-up displays, and we have been quick to ban players in the past that were using prohibited software.”

Official statement, GGPoker

The poker network that is not shy of banning even poker pros noted that a high-profile case of usage of the forbidden software was recently brought to light and the poker operator had already adopted enhanced detection methods and improved its internal processes to swiftly deal with this type of cheating behavior from players.

RTA Undetectable Is a Myth

Despite the common public belief that such RTA pattern plays are practically undetectable, GGPoker outlined that such a belief is false and they are well armed to protect the status quo from being skewed one way or another. GGPoker highlighted its security team is well aware of all the different ways an RTA software is being used, warning players who consider using it that their cheating actions would be detected.

To put meaning behind its words, the poker operator revealed a small group of RTA users was recently discovered and immediate actions on these player accounts were taken, with the severity of measures imposed depending on the frequency and impact from the RTA use.

Severe Enforcement Action

As a result, 13 accounts were banned and funds available were confiscated with the purpose to be returned to players who were lodi777 affected by the RTA use. The total amount of funds seized by GGPoker was $1,175,305.43. Another 27 players had their accounts banned but without their funds being seized.

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Besides the 40 accounts banned, another 40 were issued a warning against any future use of RTA software, as the poker company wants to deliver the message that there would be no exceptions for anyone who looks to breach the rules.

“…we are making it known to RTA cheaters that GGPN is no place for them. Henceforth, any cheaters found using RTA to gain an advantage will be faced with our strictest measures – Permanent Ban and Confiscation of Funds.”

Official statement, GGPoker

GGPoker oulined its team analyzes poker hands based on proprietary algorithms and being assisted by some of the brightest poker minds, whose contributions continue to improve the algorithms. Such interaction allows the poker operator to quickly establish whether a suspicious play had occurred, and from then on to determine whether the suspicious play relates to RTA use.

Finally, GGPoker announced it implemented a community-focused reporting system to expedite the removal of cheaters, in which players are able to report any suspicious activity during gameplay.